Alla våra talare är erfarna experter inom marknadsföring och lojalitetsarbete som har banbrytande kunskap och omfattande erfarenhet från olika branscher. 



Bekräftade talare 2024

Uppdateras kontinuerligt

Sara Spadora | CRM Delivery Lead

Sara has a genuine interest in people and business development which resonates with her working experience in customer relations. With an extensive knowledge in CRM, Sales and Communications, Sara brings over 15 years of experience from different industries. It all started in the United States and her curiosity and eagerness to excel has given her a great understanding of different kinds of customers, their needs and how to approach them. Exceeding client experience and customer loyalty in order to maximise revenue is main focus throughout her work.

Hanna Kollberg | Head of Content Automation Management

Hanna has a background within data, insights, and strategy with a focus on brand and customer experience. She has extensive experience in leading an organization in change adapting to new technologies and ways-of-working. At Telia Hanna has had various strategy roles with a focus on development and innovation. Today she is responsible for transforming the content production in own channels to an automated process. Hanna will during this session talk about what content automation is, why it’s not only necessary but critical to deliver a coherent customer- and brand experience, showcase example from Telia and talk about how you get started.

Zana Busby | Business and Consumer Psychologist 

Zana is a subject matter expert, with a MSc degree in Business psychology, specialising in consumer behaviour. Drawing from her vast knowledge of the human mind and behaviour, Zana equips businesses with invaluable insights into the minds and hearts of their customers, enabling them to forge meaningful connections and achieve sustainable brand success. Zana’s work is backed by cognitive behavioural science focusing on exploring emotions, motivation, CX, gender differences, and cognitive biases that shape consumer behaviour. With a career spanning 25+ years, Zana has graced the airwaves of BBC radio, appeared as a trusted TV guest psychologist, and been featured in various magazine and newspaper publications.

Joel Hanley | Senior Managing Consultant

Joel brings more than 13 years’ experience in driving customer relationships forward across a range of sectors including retail, B2B, travel and e-commerce. Earlier in his career, Joel helped to develop the largest coalition loyalty programme in the UK at Nectar before developing programmes for some of the largest mall operators in the world. 

Joel is the loyalty consulting practice lead for the EMEA region within Mastercard Advisors. In this capacity, he partners with leading brands and financial institutions to drive customer engagement and loyalty. Joel has spent his career at the leading edge of loyalty, taking particular interest in how data insights can help to drive deeper connections with customers. 


Anna-Sara Kapanen | Marketing Lead CRM

Anna-Sara is an accomplished professional with a robust background in branding and project management. She embarked on her journey at Klarna in 2018, and has since been an integral part of the leadership team overseeing the company's entire CRM operations. Her work at Klarna underscores her ability to merge innovation with practicality, driving the brand forward while ensuring that operations run smoothly. Anna-Sara's unique blend of technical expertise and creative thinking truly sets her apart in her role.

Oscar Pena Flores | Digital Strateg

Oscar är digital strateg och konsult på AI-byrån Talking to me, där han specialiserar sig på conversational och generativ AI. 

Han är även en erfaren utbildare som har utfört utbildningsuppdrag för flera välkända organisationer, inklusive Google Digitalakademin, Berghs, Wednesday Relations och Medieinstitutet.

Oscar har dessutom en stark bakgrund inom digital marknadsföring, där hans huvudsakliga fokus har varit på strategi och kampanjarbete. Detta har gett honom en djup förståelse för den digitala världens snabbt föränderliga natur.

Georgia Gkolfinopoulou | Marketing Strategist 

Georgia is a results-driven marketing strategist with CRM, loyalty, and digital transformation expertise. She is skilled in developing and executing effective marketing strategies that align with business objectives, driving growth and revenue through innovative campaigns that leverage automation and AI capabilities across the customer lifecycle.

Therese Mattisson | Kommersiell Teamchef & Kompetenschef

Therese leder 18 personer inom tech, business intelligence, marketing & sales, samt personalchef för 6 marknadsförare inom CRM, event och lojalitetsprogram. Ansvarsområdet omfattar samtliga B2C varumärken där hon har levererat goda resultat kopplat till KPI:er och budget för leads, nyorder, levetid, engagemang och churn. Exempel på varumärken är Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, 25 st Lifestyle-varumärken och 40 lokala dagstidningar.

Thomas Karlsson | Senior Advisor Customer Experience

Thomas is passionate about helping organizations build world-class customer experiences. Automating and digitizing the customer experience has never been as important as it is today, but at the same time, you cannot neglect the traditional offline channels. Hybrid marketing using analytics and AI is key to supporting true omni-channel marketing. Thomas is very experienced in the areas of Omni Channel Marketing and Customer Experience. With more than 25years as a consultant and advisor, he has worked in several industries and business areas.

Truls Røise | Lojalitetsspecialist och strategisk rådgivare

Truls Røise er gründer av Oculos og i dag fagansvarlig loyalty. Med mer enn 25 års erfaring fra etablering og utvikling av kundeklubber og lojalitetskonsepter i Norden, er Truls en ekspert på området. Det har gitt ham god og lang erfaring med strategiarbeid, utnyttelse av teknologi og kundedata, samt innsikt og analyse.

Marie Gardner Björnberg | Strategic Advisor and Loyalty Enthusiast

With over 20 years of experience within the industry, Marie brings a wealth of knowledge in customer experience, loyalty, and engagement. Having advised and held key leadership roles in some of the top 100 Nordic companies and holding an AI certificate from Berkeley University, she is known for her innovative and strategic approach. 

Marie gives us sneak peeks into how to navigate the complexity of today's market landscape and how to succeed in driving meaningful and lasting connections with customers.

Øyvind Krohn | CEO

Personlig bio presenteras inom kort!

Mats Gustafsson Waxler | Moderator

Mats grundade Wednesday Relations 2002 och har gedigen erfarenhet av marknadsföring, försäljning, digitala affärer och CRM. Mats har arbetat i ledande befattningar inom marknadsföring och försäljning både i Sverige och internationellt. Tillsammans med Wednesday Relations har Mats utvecklat en stor mängd konferenser och seminarier inom ovan ämnen och är även en populär och erfaren moderator.
